The HK government has banned flights, including transit as of 1st July. Last flight to go back to HK will be tomorrow 29/6. Please make sure you must have both Flight, hotel and PCR test confirmation to return home. For those who has a flight and hotel for 29/6 departure, you can change your test by whatsapp Eve Leung direct.
Those who are unable to change flight, we invite you to join our zoom meeting on 29/6 for accommodation details. Please allow us to prioritise our work to get those who can students back to HK first.

Zoom Meeting

Topic: emergency flight suspension meeting

Time: Jun 29, 2021 09:30 PM Hong Kong SAR

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 0499 7813

Passcode: 000111

香港政府已經公布將會推行熔斷機制,最後一班回港飛機 將會 29/6 出發。如果希望回港,需要安排機票,酒店和檢測。如果透過我們做檢測,也已經改到或者擁有29/6 出發的機票,可以直接聯絡Eve 安排檢測
如果學生趕不切29/6出發回港,可以在 29/6 號香港時間晚上9:30pm 參加我們zoom,我們將會公布滯留英國學生安排。麻煩大家體諒我們未能及時回覆,我們需要優先照顧可以回港的學生。

Topic: emergency flight suspension meeting

Time: Jun 29, 2021 09:30 PM Hong Kong SAR

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 0499 7813

Passcode: 000111

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