報名: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1W8pS7hwkbVAgKfb8zDyYNQcuaQtuzAj87uutbwUrygI
1. Zoom Meeting: 選科和大學申請講座(適合 year 10 – 12)
Course selection and university application lecture (suitable for Year 10-12)
我們將會舉辦講座,由Eve 講解關於選科和大學申請問題,給家長和學生了解關於英國大學申請流程,從而知道如何選科等。這個講座內容和去年12月舉辦的講座內容相似,敬請留意。
Eve will host the following lectures, with the main emphasise on course selection and university application, so parents and students will have a better insight to the UK university application process. Please note the content of these lectures are similar to those held in last December.
Date: 6月8日 星期一 香港時間晚上9點
8th June 2020 Monday, HKT 21:00
2. Zoom Meeting: UCAS 流程和大學升學-12年級 (新)
UCAS procedure and university application meeting – for year 12 (new)
Lower sixth/ year 12 對英國學生來說是非常重要一年,學生將要在9月開學後申請大學決定自己大學專科等,Eve 會詳細解答有關申請流程,和每一個階段申請要注意情況,給學生和家長了解等。
Lower sixth / year 12 is a very important year for British students, as students will apply for university and course when school resumes in September. Eve will explain in detail on how the application process works and what is required at each stage.
Date: 6月12 日 星期五 香港時間晚上9點
12th June 2020 Friday, HKT 21:00
3. Zoom Meeting: 備戰校內評核 for year 11 + 13
Prepare for internal school evaluation – for year 11 + 13
今年是對 year 11 或者 13 都是挑戰的一年,在沒有公開考試下,採取以日常表現,校內試和成績作為公開考試成績,學生和家長可以如何準備?我們將會在深入討論有關year 11 / 13 之後A-level選科和大學升學。 尤其是如何準備8月放榜和深入了解clearning 或者校內評核標準等。
It can be quite challenging for years 11 and 13 during these uncertain times. As a substitute to public examinations, students take daily performance, internal tests and scores to determine their grades. How can students and parents best prepare for this? How can year 13 prepare for August results day? We will have an in-depth discussion about A-Level elective courses and university progression after year 11/13. We will also provide an in-depth understanding of the subject of clearing or internal evaluation standards, etc.
Date: 6月15 日 星期一 香港時間晚上9點
15th June Monday HKT 21:00
4. Zoom Meeting – 轉校不轉校 year 9 -11
Transfer to another school – for year 9 -11
一般到year 10 升year 11 都是家長和學生考慮在year 12 要不要轉校問題。我們作為監護人,可以具體和家長學生分析轉校利與弊,給家長講解選擇 sixth form 須知,和不同學校 例如 sixth form college 等分別。
Many students and parents will consider whether to move school when they are going into Year 11 for Sixth form. As guardians, we will analyse the advantages and disadvantages of changing schools and provide guidelines for choosing a sixth form.
Date: 6月18 日 星期四 香港時間晚上9點
18th June Thurs HKT 21:00
5. Eve 親自解答:疫情後英國留學
今年3月相信是很多留學家長一個非常特別的經驗,之後可能擔心疫情下9月開學前路茫茫。Eve 將會集合當地疫情情況,英國寄宿學校協會的公布, AEGIS 監護人協會的公布,和不同學校以公布的9月開學處理,針對隔離,開學,假期和平日上課模式和你分析和分享。
19/6 香港時間 晚上9點
23/6 香港時間 晚上9點
報名: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1W8pS7hwkbVAgKfb8zDyYNQcuaQtuzAj87uutbwUrygI