Diamond plan
UK Guardianship for boarding schools
UK Guardianship for British Boarding schools students
24/7 Support
Chinese Speaking staff
Over 10 years guardianship and 20 years education experience
Multiple choice of Holiday accommodation
Education Guardian
Appointed to be the education Guardian as required by British Schools
24/7 emergency support
Calls and instant messaging (whatsapp wechat signal) are available in UK and Hong Kong
Chinese Speaking support
We have Cantonese and Mandarin speaking staff on assistance
Choice of Accommodation
Unique only to our students, there is two types of accommodation available. Host Family and Holiday Camp
Welcome and orientation
We offer one to one meeting with us in Hong Kong before the student departs for UK. Online orientation and school start zoom is available to all with detail guide.
Holiday Accommodation
Providing exeats and half-term, Christmas and Easter accommodation. We even can help with summer holidays
Academic Advisory
How to read UK School report? Send it to us and we will be able to interpret in Chinese with academic improvement advice
School Visit
Diamond plan student is entitled to 1 school visit per year (Transport quoted and charged separately). Parent can use the free visit for school start or parents evening.
No Mark Up
All expenses are quoted with no mark up on price
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Emergency Accommodation
We can provide emergency accommodation due to illness or school suspension
Hong Kong office
Office in prime CBD location in Causeway Bay. Reception open during office hours
We assist daily with school communication, portal and form request.
School Start service
We assist from day 1 of your success
Airport Transfer
We organise all airport transfer with our own contract drivers or school appointed transport companies.
Diamond Guardianship plan is designed for students who is in their first year and need extra support for settling in British boarding schools. We assist from Day 1 when you join the guardianship, that just on the first day in UK to assist everything that you need. From transportation, accommodation and dealing with the schools and the unexpected, we are here for you.
Our Holiday Camp
Operate in Half-term and Easter holidays
Inside Boarding school with safe environment
24/7 staffing
Yummy food with Chinese food outings
Single Room option available
Academic advice
Experience staff on UK Education
Discuss Academic results
Exploring talent via school communications
Chinese speaking
Interpreting between cultural difference
School start service
One to One meeting in Hong Kong
Exclusive School start video
Free Sim Card
Visa and welcome pack preparation
Airport transfer
Host family
All host families checked in person
No Criminal record on all members over 16
Pre-booking available for host within 1 hour distance
Experience in British culture
2 professional reference screened
Guardianship Application Form
Apply now by clicking below
£120 registration fee waiver if paying in full for first year
£50 referral discount by existing clients
Guaranteed Accommodation if apply by June 23
Guaranteed face to face meeting with our director if apply before May 23
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel my accommodation?
For the first term, once confirmed, you cannot cancel the accommodation. For the rest of the terms, you can cancel with 5 weeks notice.
How much is the accommodation?
We charge by days. i.e. If the student is finishing school on Friday afternoon and returning to school on sunday. This is 3 days charge.
All accommodation are full board accommodation, with 3 meals provided and individual bedsit. All accommodation are shared accommodation. Request for single room is available on extra charges.
Cancellation of Guardianship
If you want to cancel the guardianship service. You must inform us by writing with one term notice. Any cancellation without a full term’s notice is liable to one term’s guardianship fees. Those students who are in UK under student visa, must also provide evidence that the school is fully informed with the cancellation and UKVI is notified. Students who cancelled guardianship in their first year will be liable for the refund of the registration fee