Media Coverage

9-18/2/2024 Half Term Camp

Lunar New Year Fair in London 27-28/01/2023
Date: 27-28/01/2023 address: City Islington College Talk and Booth by Elite Anglo Chinese Services

Education Talk for Hong Kong-er in Kingston 13/12/2023
At Kingston Library 10:30am-12pm

13-15/12/2023 Learning and Teaching Expo
Profile : Elite Anglo Chinese Services (EliteACS) was founded in 2012 by Eve Leung, who has been living in the UK for over 25 years. EliteACS offers a comprehensive range of education services, including study tours, summer and holiday camps, school consultancy,...

BSA International University Event 90957-BSA-uni-programmeDownload Loading… 即時免費升學諮詢 👉🏻 聯絡我們...
Event: New Parent Zoom
Date: 12th March 2022 Time: 8:30pm HKT (12:30PM GMT) Zoom Link: please contact your parents co-ordinator for details Introduction: This is a zoom talk to introduce all the necessary preparation needed for students coming to the UK to study in boarding school. this...