Dear Parents 各位家長,

We are sorry for the last-minute change last week, please find below the revised schedule of zoom meeting for your reference.


*15/06* 9pm– 回港準備Q&A,檢測,酒店,隔離考慮;以第一手資料和經驗,和大家分享回港資料和準備 Our first-hand experience and advice for returning to Hong Kong
15/6 Zoom Link 講座連結 (

17/06 9pm - 寄宿家庭知多少 (英語講座),由我們寄宿家庭經理負責講解寄宿家庭住宿和英國文化. Our UK Manager will share his insights on communication with host family and tips to adapt the British culture.
17/6 Zoom Link 講座連結 ( 9pm – 大學升學準備 (英語講座)和 cognate UK Mr Dan Labriola 前carfax college 顧問合辦,詳細講解英國大學申請程序。Preparation for UCAS, sharing with Mr Dan Labriola, previously consultant of Carfax College.
21/6 Zoom Link 講座連結 (

*6/7** 9pm – 2021年9月疫情下留學分析和準備,以英國疫情來分析9月回校準備。How to prepare for term starts and latest update on the covid-19 situation in the UK.
6/7 Zoom Link 講座連結 (

We will send out the zoom link again on the day of zoom meeting as reminder.

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